Hall Timberlands: A Great Customer Doing Great Things!

We have such great customers who do such great things! Take the Hall family in Mississippi who just donated a 245-acre parcel of timberland to Mississippi State University (MSU). The parcel, now known as the Hall Timberlands Forest, will be used as a living laboratory...

Studies Show Early Site Prep Yields Best Pine Growth

As an introduction to our recently published Guide to Using Imazapyr for Site Preparation in Southern Pine Plantation Establishment, it is helpful for landowners to understand the value of earlier site prep. This article outlines the benefits and gives some general...

Top 10 Year One Goals

Investment in high-quality genetics has proven to result in increased profits, but it doesn’t happen without your help. Like any high-quality product, special treatment is required to realize the maximum potential. Find out the top 10 most critical things to do in...

No Corte Las Raices: Do Not Cut The Roots!

A few weeks back, I accompanied a former student of mine, now a professional forester, to a planting site on his company land to inspect both seedling and planting quality. As we arrived on the tract that had been site prepared for its new forest, I noticed something...

Be There, Be Aware!

Your contract tree planters are out in the field, set their own schedules and work on multiple projects at once. Make sure your job is their top priority and you get the best service possible. The best way to do that is to Be There. Be Aware. Vet Carefully: Hire only...