What’s in Your “Bundle”?
Buying things in a “bundle” can be a time saver. And, sometimes, it can be a money saver. But only if you are getting what you think you are paying for. Cable companies are great at this. You sign up for their “silver” package, only to find you have 125 channels but not the ONE sports channel you wanted.
The same can be said for services and products in forestry. Some forest landowners have not been involved in choosing which seedlings are planted on their land until recently. The seedling choice has been part of a “bundle” of products and services (site preparation, seedlings, and/or seedling planting) from a contractor. This seedling decision was not a significant issue when there was little or no difference between seedlings-but this is no longer the case. Without a doubt, choosing the right seedlings to reach your family and financial goals is a decision with long-term consequences. Making a wrong decision now can mean earning less than half of the revenue of your land can generate with the right seedlings.

Make sure you know precisely the seedling genetics you are getting when contracting services. How do you know if you are getting the right genetics for you and your financial goals? Ask questions. Lots of questions. What volume and log quality performance gains are offered in the bundle? Simple 2nd Gen or 3rd Gen labeling is not adequate information to tell you how good your seedlings are. Look for specific family info and the level of genetic improvement.
Today’s advanced genetics, such as MCP®, offer you an opportunity to achieve rates of 15% on your investment and increase the revenue from your land by 50%.
We have many planting contractors who provide MCP seedling to customers; you need to know that the seedling genetics choice is your decision and that you can ask for the seedlings you want.
Remember, you can determine what is planted on your land, so understand your choices. You only have one chance to get it right with a decision that has consequences for 25 – 30 years. Do your homework and speak with your forester, contractor, or ArborGen Reforestation Advisor so you can know “what’s in your turn-key bundle” and make the right choice for your land!
“Forestry Taxes: Learn, Plan, & Save Money” Webinar Series
“Forestry Taxes: Learn, Plan, & Save Money”, a five-part webinar series geared towards forest landowners and other natural resource professionals starts in January 2022.
Many forest landowners pay more taxes on their timber than they should. Accountants can help to calculate taxes, but forest landowners need to understand how timber expenses should be reported, and how they are taxed. Saving money on timber taxes starts by keeping good records and knowing how tax rules will affect your bill.
This series will start with an overview of forestry taxes and will cover timber basis, timber management expenses and deductions, details about forestry taxes and timber sales and finally, tax information important for coping with losses due to storms or chance.
This webinar series is part of the Woodland Stewards regional extension program for landowners, now in its fourth year of programming. Woodland Stewards was developed by a team of forestry Extension professionals from universities including North Carolina State, Clemson, Virginia Tech, Mississippi State, University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, University of Georgia, University of Florida, University of Missouri, University of Maryland, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, the United States Forest Service (USFS), and more.
The goal of the Woodland Stewards program is to empower woodland owners with the information they need to actively manage their land. Webinars from previous years’ programming are available on the webpage. The forestry tax webinars will be held Tuesdays in January and February, at 1:00 PM EST. Click here to receive webinar updates and reminders. For more information about webinar content, click here.
Planting Season is Here!
In April, 2021, ArborGen instituted a Minimum Order Policy of $500 to purchase seedlings at any of our nurseries. This is per sales order and can be a combination of tree species.
We continue our efforts to control costs and provide you with the best customer service in the industry. Should you have any questions, please contact your local nursery.
Get in touch with a Reforestation Advisor to explore your options!
Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.
Alabama & Northern Mississippi
Manager Special Projects & Sustainability
Austin Heine
North Carolina & Virginia
Blake Sherry
Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama
Drew Fasano
South Carolina & Northern Georgia
Kylie Burdette
U.S. Sales Manager / Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas
Jason Watson
Director, U.S. Sales